Author name: dadmin

Vivs top tips for fabulous floors

Dirt, grit and sand act like sandpaper on the floor’s finish and can cause scratches, dents and dulling. Place floor mats at entrances to trap dirt and prevent damage. Spillage that is left standing can stain floors – clean up all spills as they happen. Lift furniture to move it – avoid dragging. Felt contacts …

Vivs top tips for fabulous floors Read More »

Joburg Project of the Year 2015

Today we are so excited to show you the Cemcrete Joburg Project of the Year 2015 winner. After many entries were considered this modern bushveld home proved to be the best completed project showcasing Cemcrete finishes. We take you on a tour of this proudly South African home showcasing proudly South African Cemcrete cement-based finishes.

Doppio Zero Blue Hills

There’s a new Doppio Zero in Jo’burg; the newly opened Blue Hills branch in Midrand and we’re taking you on a tour… Keeping true to the Doppio Zero style the new restaurant is refined industrial with elements of cement, wood, copper and exposed brickwork.